Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I do not like the cone of shame :(

I am actually a week late on posting this but I still think it is completely worth it.  Last Tuesday that adorable little brown dog of ours (the one that wakes up at 7:00 on the weekends) was laying on our bed when we noticed a big red blood blister looking "thing" on her belly.  Being a little dog and one that thoroughly enjoys belly rubs we often get the pleasure of seeing her belly. Well we both knew that "thing" had not been there the day before so off to the vet Bella went.  The vet determined that it was some kind of insect bite and was more than likely a spider bite, however Bella won't tell the vet what bit her....wise guy isn't he???  When I went to pick up Bella after work the vet sent us home with a cone and told us that in order for the wound to heal she would have to not lick her belly.  We tried it that night and she was having none of it so we gave up on that!  David stayed home for awhile the next day but eventually had to leave for work and decided to try the cone again before he left.  This is the first picture that David sent me and was literally crying I was laughing so hard at poor Bella.

I can imagine her saying "I would really like to get in my toy bin but can't with this effing thing on my head"

In the second picture she looks a little happier but not much! 

Needless to say the cone did not stay on and after some antibiotics the spot is gone, the cone is long since gone in the trash and  we have a much happier puppy!

Until next time.....

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